Well clearly women who "run a company, a university, a science department and even a country" must be homosexuals.
absolutely disgusting!.
Well clearly women who "run a company, a university, a science department and even a country" must be homosexuals.
absolutely disgusting!.
I'd still use it. Doesn't matter when he said it. He's never walked back the statement. And he IS a member of the GB!
tornintwo's recent topic spurred me finally to post an idea i've been thinking about.
i don't see the gb as being financially greedy.
yes, they enjoy numerous perks like having their physical needs met by servants, jetting around the planet, living in a greater degree of comfort than fellow bethelites, getting frequent and sometimes expensive gifts from the r&f, etc.
for those of you that don't research this stuff i will give a little back story.
we all know about the moses exodus, but history and archeology didn't seem to confirm this event.
the only exodus out of egypt ever recorded was that of a group of asiatic tribes that had taken over egypt for a bit over 100 years called the hyksos and the followers of the pharaoh akhenaten who perpetuated a monotheistic idea of worshiping only one deity the aten.
I think this makes better sense then to think the whole story was just made up.
In what way does it makes more sense?
okay, okay, okay - i know we're not supposed to jump to conclusions.
but the odds this is a "naturally occurring event" are pretty low.
and it's just the sort of megastructure we would expect an advanced alien civilization (type 2) to build.
But despite the evidence, they're still not ready to discount the alien megastructure idea entirely. "We can't really say it is, or is not," said Marengo.
Yup, definitely aliens!!!
Well said. And it's a difficult idea for people to get their heads around.
The percentage of a population who believes a particular claim says nothing about the validity of that claim. The majority of people in antiquity used to believe that the Earth was flat - but that didn't mean the Earth was any less spherical back then. Only that Eratosthenes was one of very few people who was right (240 B.C).
for those of you that don't research this stuff i will give a little back story.
we all know about the moses exodus, but history and archeology didn't seem to confirm this event.
the only exodus out of egypt ever recorded was that of a group of asiatic tribes that had taken over egypt for a bit over 100 years called the hyksos and the followers of the pharaoh akhenaten who perpetuated a monotheistic idea of worshiping only one deity the aten.
So if we just ignore what is meant by "The Exodus" and redefine it to mean "any exodus" we can confirm it actually happened? Really?
The writer of the OP seems to be confused about what "The Exodus" is. Namely, 2 million Israelites who left Egypt by walking across floor of the Red Sea and then went off to wander in the desert for forty years under the guidance of the patriarch Moses.
Anything else is not "The Exodus". It may be the origins of the story of "The Exodus" or it may be completely unrelated. But either way it doesn't confirm the event. The linked article is a fascinating bit of speculation but - until such a time as we have good reasons to believe the Hyksos were the origins of story - the proposal is ". . . not only not right - it's not even wrong."
i think it was punkofnice who came up with the phrase, "apathy carts".
how apropos.. yesterday i encountered a car group of witnesses in my community as i was coming home from the gym.
actually, their van was blocking me from entering my driveway.
tornintwo's recent topic spurred me finally to post an idea i've been thinking about.
i don't see the gb as being financially greedy.
yes, they enjoy numerous perks like having their physical needs met by servants, jetting around the planet, living in a greater degree of comfort than fellow bethelites, getting frequent and sometimes expensive gifts from the r&f, etc.
I quite agree with the sentiment of this thread. While the GB are a million miles from humility - the one thing they are NOT is wealthy. They have nice accommodations and are well taken care of but they aren't burning through cash on themselves. They don't have private jets they fly around on, mansions they live in, or super expensive restaurants at which they eat.
Pinky rings and apple watches certainly don't send the right signal when they're telling children to give up their ice cream money. But those are middle class/upper middle class items. Not the hallmarks of millionaires fleecing the flock like some mega Pastors.
I think it's just a case that they made bad decisions combined with the fact it's hard times for organized religion. Not to mention that they ended up having to redo a lot or work at Warwick which has probably sent them soaring WAY over budget. I wouldn't be surprised if a considerable portion of that 700 million got burned tearing out their bad work, hiring actual contractors to redo the work, and a series of smaller projects they didn't initially intend to do (being able to drain the lake at the push of a button - seriously?)
You know the Desert God's Modus Operandi: Spare no expense!
Solomon built the temple and completed it. 15 He lined its interior walls with cedar boards, paneling them from the floor of the temple to the ceiling,and covered the floor of the temple with planks of juniper. 16 He partitioned off twenty cubits at the rear of the temple with cedar boards from floor to ceiling to form within the temple an inner sanctuary, the Most Holy Place.17 The main hall in front of this room was forty cubits[i] long. 18 The inside of the temple was cedar, carved with gourds and open flowers. Everything was cedar; no stone was to be seen.
19 He prepared the inner sanctuary within the temple to set the ark of the covenant of the Lord there. 20 The inner sanctuary was twenty cubits long, twenty wide and twenty high. He overlaid the inside with pure gold, and he also overlaid the altar of cedar. 21 Solomon covered the inside of the temple with pure gold, and he extended gold chains across the front of the inner sanctuary, which was overlaid with gold. 22 So he overlaid the whole interior with gold. He also overlaid with gold the altar that belonged to the inner sanctuary.
just wanna say.....im thankfull for y'all....n stuff
Happy Thanksgiving everyone! Here's a good tactic for stopping any potential family fights at the table :)